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Enviromental pollutants and chemicals within food and body care put a strain on your immune systems.

Lack of vital substances of "modern" fast-food nutrition weakens your health.


Vital substances are vitamins, bioflavonoids, mineral nutrients, trace elements und many more micronutrients. They all are vital for us. The body, the cells need vital substances to build up the immune system and body tissues.
Chemical fertilizer, long distance transport, multi level processing and transformation, heat, radiation and long storage periods destroy many of these vital substances in our food.


Refined sugar and refined flour, but also normal table salt need for their metabolization vitamins and mineral nutrients. If they are not to be found within it is taken out of the body, from bones and organs.
More factors which can leach out our body by increased need for vital substances: Stress, lack of sleep, radiation, free radicals. And even "healthy" sport can do harm due to increased vital substance demand.


Hazardous chemistry is found in fertilizers and sprays (fungicides and insecticides) used by agricultural farming.
The general public is not informed about which poisonous substances are used. They are no longer declared on products as well. Some are used to color, others to form, to preserve, to give it a certain flavour and smell.
The border between chemistry and poison is often very thin. One contaminated meal may be fully harmless. But overall, over a long period digested meals can lead to a critical amount, as many chemicals are stored in our body.


It often starts innocent with hair loss and dandruff, or with itching, ekzema, allergies. Followed by digestion problems (irritable bowel, diarrhoea). If the kind of lifestyle is not changed in time it leads to immune system overload in most cases, causing increased susceptibility for infections up to cancer.
Immune disorders cause often allergies, rheumatism and asthma. Weakened body tissue increases the risk of intervertebral disk and cardiovascular problems up to thrombosis and infarct.
If vital organs are affected, it means danger to life already in middle age.


More Details

Normally at birth the amount of poisonous substances is low and the amount of vital substances is very high in the body. We observe following during our life span due to poor nutrition contaminated with dangerous chemistry:
The graph is a simplified schematic view of how life may develop from a optimal start followed by health problems. It also shows how self-healing powers can be strengthened through change in nutirition and detoxification at the same time.


First harmless warnings: (1: Hair loss, elflock, dandruff, 2: Itching, ekzema, allergies, 3: irritable bowel, diarrhoea).
These are commonly not seen as connected with chemical pollution or lack of vital substances but are treated by their symptoms.
As the lack of vital substances and pollution increases (long-term effects) the immune system is overloaded. This leads to frequent infects and is the basis to cancer. Immune disorders lead to allergies, rheumatism and asthma.

Defects in body tissue cause problems at bones and joints and cardiovascular diseases:

First symptoms may be high cholesterol or high blood pressure. Peripheral circulatory disorder in hands and feets often joins in.
NOTE: Meds for lowering cholesterol and blood pressure or thinning down the blood for enhancing circulation, treat mostly the symptom not the cause.
It is necessary to fight the real cause beside the acute treatment. Get in touch with the general principles and the solution by contacting our consultants or directly us at PANEON.

If the cause is targeted by change of diet and/or supply with vital substances, drugs can often be reduced drastically or even stopped.
Described drugs should be reduced only after consultation of the treating physician, if better blood values and lowered pressure gets obvious.

If the cause is not treated, heart disease, thrombosis and infarcts are still possible beside optimal medication.
Are vital organs affected like heart, brain or lung life is at risk.

The malice at heart attack: It comes without notice. So the first symptom may be already death.


The solution:

If the depots of vital substances are filled up and the body has enough opportunities to detox, chances are good to bring up performance and immune system to full vitality.

There is no guarantee however, as there are many parameters like already existing lasting damages, drugs or negative life habits. But in general there is a visible improvement within 3-6 months after the change.
That is why the build up and strengthening of the immune system - under consultation of the treating physician - is the ideal accompanying measure to lifesaving traditional medical therapie.

NOTE: Even "healthy" sport consumes often far more vital substances as the nowadays common diet contains.
Furthermore chemical pollutants are accumulating within the body and have a negative effect on natural processes inside our body.

This diagramm shows the typical issue of malnutrition and chemical pollution.

Graph 1: During life vital substances decline, harmful chemistry increases*


PANEON health products help to avoid chemical toxins.
Just by using PANEON products free of this toxic substances.

PANEON products help to bind toxic substances contained in our food and so prevent them from being absorbed by our body.

Finally PANEON products help to reduce toxic substances and waste products of the metabolism and to reject them out of the body.

At the same time vital substance depots are filled up which supports weakened organs, body tissue, bones, joints, intervertebral disk and blood vessels to recover again. Based on cell metabolism of the human body the regeneration process may last for some weeks (bowel) up to many months (bones, blood vessels, nerves).

Graph 2: The solution of the problem through detoxification and refilling vital substances**

The targeted result is power and joy in life! The immune system is strong and protects you from diseases. The most important basic substances are sufficient, so bones, cartilage, blood vessels, nerves and organs can be rebuild better and renergate again.

If the cause for cardiovascular problems are eliminated the body is often able to regenerate in a way that also the effects dissappear. Don't wait too long as after infarcts (heart, brain and other organs) irreversible damages may occur.

* The wording "chemical substances" and "chemistry" does not question valuable achievements of the chemical industry.
It aims at such chemical substances, which are evidentially dangerous or at least controversial, which means that studies have prooven it both, harmful and safe.

** Simplified symbolic display of the principle. Already at birth deficiency and poisoning symptoms may occurr depending on how healthy or contaminated the diet of the parents have been.

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